Tip for any prospective facilitators who are interested in working with UNI Strategic
A division of the Singapore-based UNI Strategic Pte Ltd. has hosted corporate and training conferences and workshops for organizations all over the world, including many Fortune 500 companies. They attract top speakers for their well-attended events.
Numerous trainers and lecturers have reported problems doing business with UNI Strategic. A while back, PBR went to Singapore to do a training program with them, titled Strategic Sales Leadership. This exciting international opportunity turned into frustration where it took us months and endless contacts to Roger Tie, President and Pan Tei Boon, Conference Manager to get the payments we’d been promised. We soon discovered we weren’t the only ones who were challenged collecting appearance fees from UNI Strategic. Several other instructors and facilitators shared their own stories with us about their difficulties getting paid from www.unistrategic.com.
Uni Strategic recently reached out to me stating that due to the economy they had some challenges but are now on great footing and are focused on taking excellent care of their vendors and suppliers. If that's the case, terrific, and I hope it works out for you and Uni Strategic. But for now, my only suggestion: Ask for your money upfront before you get on a plane to deliver your program to UNI Strategic or with any organization you're absolutely not convinced is 100% above board. The fact is that as soon as your work is completed, your bargaining power is gone. Why take unnecessary risks? Good luck and and let me know if you had a good experience with Uni Strategic.
Read Comments (Tip for any prospective facilitators who are interested in working with UNI Strategic)
- I have to say that in addition to UNI's crappy management,the staff also have 2 b blame coz they played a part in people leaving the company. The management is already treating the staff bad enough. But some of the staff there really make the environment even worse. UNI have 1 of the worse office politics in my history of employment. Jz imagine...my Sales Dir,HERSELF(hint)is busy "digging" gossips,making unnecessary speculations & talk bad abt ppl behind their back,get herself involve in a love triangle with a guy in the company, EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Wt kind of sale dir is diz??!! Shldnt a DIRECTOR b busy bringing in revenue for the company,constantly guiding her team members so dt they cn make money for themselves instead of wasting her time wif all the other nonsense??!! Ive struggle for more than a yr n my sales dir dnt even care about me. She's always busy asking me "so any new stories??" & everytime I'll give her the same ans..."I dnt noe". I tink those ppl dts still wif UNI hv so much time & so rich dt they hv time to waste their time on all diz. Im very disappointed coz wen I joined,UNI was never like diz. It started 2 bcome like diz wen the management didnt do anything 2 rectify all the small prob by jz sweeping it under the carpet. Even wen things gt out of hand,they still dnt do anything. I strongly advise against any1 2 werk in this very sick environment. U'll regret it for the rest of ur life!!
- From Miss Z | Sep 24th, 2010 |Hi all, as a ex personnel from UNI Strategic. I am sorry to hear about your bad experience with UNI Strategic. With all the bad press the company is getting nowadays, it is nothing new and to some, it was just something they had seen coming. It still puzzle me though how only Roger Tie and Stacy Yeong are the only people giving they statement to the press. What about Wing Tan? Wing is by the way the Chief Financial Officer (Well he use to be).... As the biggest share holder of the company, shouldn't he be questioned too?
In my opinion, when it comes to wellbeing of guest speaker, the correct person they should look for is Stacy. Roger,CEO, has not much say as to how the company is run as he is basically the talking dummy for UNI Strategic. I have to agree with some of the comments made by user about refund to delegate. Through out my course of employment, I have never heard of UNI may any refund for shitty events. They either postpone the program entirely or play deaf to all companies that demanded refund.
I have to give credits to my fellow colleagues that is still working hard to make their events successful for UNI (a company that don't appreciate their sales personnel). Especially now with the bad press the company is getting you guys did great, making 900k in revenue. Kudos to that!
To those who had a bad experience working with UNI Strategic, maybe there is nothing wrong with the company. Yes, they may treat the staff unequally and the wellbeing of staff is not their top priority but if you can't handle the office pressure at UNI then you should look at yourself and ponder how are you going to manage elsewhere. - For employee/salary concerns: seek advise and help from Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Central Provident Fund Board (CPF). File your claim and complaint with MOM and CPF Board.
- I wish I'd read this blog before we signed up & did a programme for UNI. We did at least get 50% upfront so we have had something but otherwise our experience is the same as everyone else on this blog. They were very professional before the event, we got our 50% upfront payment on time but from then on it has just been a nightmare. What I have started to do is contact speakers on their future events & told them of my experiences so at least they don't suffer the same fate. This might also lead to a lot of problems for UNI as speakers start to demand full payment in advance - maybe then they will stop their fraudulent practices. I am also getting in touch with the Commercial Affairs Department in Singapore to see if they can help. Will keep you posted on progress (if any)
- Wow! Glad that I left more than a year ago - I always said they would make the papers. They were always cutting our sales commissions and I just heard they were delaying staff salaries and bonuses, and blaming it on the banks. Probably the banks don't like them.
I am with a competitor now (along with other ex-UNI) and we couldn't stop laughing all day. Apparently their Sales Director (my old boss) also left.
I am glad the speakers are exploring their taxes. Al Capone was brought down by a single count of tax evasion.
Below is a crap email from Roger Tie trying to make us happy just when he was about to cut our salaries (you know it is from him because he had been spelling "staff" wrong for over a year I was there.) Maybe the Straits Times can check the figures.
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year!
It has indeed been a challenging year in 2008 for most companies, especially with the global credit crunch that turned into a real nightmare for the global financial systems. The global banking landscape changed significantly and will continue to do so. Going forward regulators around the world will tighten their regime as a reaction to the many banks which failed to adequately cope with the crisis of the financial markets.
Amidst all these economic gloom, UNI had on the contrary, performed its best in all its 7 years since the incorporation of the company. Our revenues for the 9 months as at 30 Sept 2008 was at S$6.7M as compared to S$4.8M for the entire year in 2007. Although this revenue is nothing to shout about, it does show that with the coordinated effort of all staffs and management, UNI can continue its massive growth even in uncertain times like these.
In 2009, we expect all divisions to experience continued recruitment, training and better performance. Our SG office will continue to be the main driving force of UNI with projections of more than 170 staffs by the 1st quarter of 2009 while our KL office will continue its exponential growth to reach 80 staffs by mid 2009.
Our growth story does not stop here. As we expand, we will continue to evaluate suitable locations to start our 3rd office. Trainings, promotions and massive opportunities will be given to exceptional staffs with good performances and ambitions who are committed to our cause. So do not rest your laurels and be contented with your performance in 2008! Plan for what you want to achieve this year. Give yourself a deadline to achieve your goals. Work hard to ensure that 2009 will be a career-forming year for you and the company!
Together we can make UNI a regional conference company that exceeds our customers expectations! Together we can grow our company to be one of the best financially solid company in this industry! Together we can make it happen!
Go For It UNI and have a great year ahead! - I hope my comments will add value and perspective to this tread. Probably its in my nature to raise up points from the other side of the coin at first instance.
I have never doubted the accusations against this training firm.
Pardon my perspective.
Paul, you may remove my posts if it doesn't fit into the overall theme you would like to achieve for this blog. - This is not a 'sign of the bad times', or the recent economic crash. Singapore is gunning for record quarter-on-quarter growth for 2010. Heck, there wasn't even a downturn this side of the planet. The 'stretched payment terms' (from 30 to 60 days, to 90 and 270! days) are just a clear sign of one thing - a failing company.
No company in their right mind would risk their reputation by breaking contracts.
UNI Strategic is doing this because there is not enough money to go around. Simple economics.
Their cash flow is being stretched till breaking point. They will have to downsize, (and it seems relocate to a lower cost country - Malaysia), delay (and cancel) payments, get sued, investigated and brought to court, get into the news etc.
The problem will escalate, and the vicious cycle will eat the company up, and very quickly (due to the operational costs still being incurred, but no revenue in sight) they will go bankrupt. I will not be surprised to find the office suddenly locked and barred from entrance - either by the building management, the authorities or the management themselves (absconding away no doubt).
To view further comments, click here
- UNI Strategic in the NEWS for scamming speakers.
So I guess this isnt just coming from the same person, Joe M?
Go back to 2009, 2008, 2007... and you'll dig up many other speakers who have not been paid. Just get the Commercial Crimes to raid their offices - the speakers records are all there.
And sued by Hotels, and by Travel Providers?
Logically, the next in line would be (no points for guessing) - EMPLOYEES.
As for 'refunding' - that doesn't EVER happen.
BS #1 from Roger.
Using 'ratings that are below the average' as an excuse to NOT PAY?
BS #2 - services rendered are to be PAID, IN FULL - after all, its your Producers and Director that engages them. - Its interesting to follow this thread and seeing where it leads to.
I guess we all have to give credit to the organization in question that they finally clarify all doubts and disclosing certain sensitive figures publicly.
My suggestion is to state very clearly into all contractual agreements with all speakers engaged and half of the participants must rate the speaker on a minimal acceptable rating. I reckon the participants' perspective is best in evaluating the speakers' ability to deliver the topic which they paid to attend. But of course, it will be rather difficult to decide on how the payout should be if the participants' rating fall below the acceptable level.
On a honest note, the case presented here resembles the airline, telecommunications and financial industries on a B2C context. As consumers, we face occasional disruptions to the service we have paid for, may it be mobile network disruptions, air flights cancellations, or credit card frauds.
The key lesson to pick up from here is on the contractual agreement everyone enters into with another party, and whether the supplier/customer has a strong leverage of bargaining power.
Interesting thing to note too; certain industries nowadays has seen their payment terms stretched almost twice to as what previously was. A good example is the property industry when several Asian countries had slowed down their property development projects and delayed the projects launch date due to the recent economic crash.
I certainly hope the world's economy will return to equilibrium soon and all suppliers' and customers' payment and receivable terms will be in balance. - You may contact these 2 reporters from SPH
Sep 11, 2010
Events organiser under fire over late payments
Speakers complain online; firm says fees withheld due to poor showing but all will be paid
By Liew Hanqing & Carolyn Quek
A GROUP of foreign corporate speakers is crying foul over a Singapore company that they claim did not pay them for their services on time as promised.
A few have even gone as far as hiring debt collectors to obtain tardy payments, after coordinating strategies with others who posted their complaints on blogs, websites and online forums.
The company, UNI Strategic, an organiser of corporate events, told The Straits Times that it had no choice but to withhold payment from certain speakers because of what it considered poor performance, which it said was detrimental to its reputation. It later said, however, that its speakers would all be paid eventually.
At least 20 overseas professionals engaged by it to speak at a number of conferences posted complaints on various websites after allegedly not being paid according to their contracts' timelines, which range between 30 and 60 days after an event.
Speakers contacted said their appearance fees typically ranged from $4,000 to $8,000 each. One of them, Mr Paul Cherry, 48, president of a company providing sales training and leadership development, detailed on his website the difficulties he had in getting paid his fees of US$4,000 (S$5,370) after giving a talk on strategic sales leadership here in 2008.
He has since been contacted by other speakers with similar experiences. His online post received more than 50 comments, mostly from other speakers.
Mr Cherry, an American, said: 'UNI Strategic was great to work with up until the programme. As soon as I left Singapore, very few of my e-mail requests for payment were responded to.'
He was eventually paid, three months late, after threatening to go to the Singapore and the United States authorities for redress.
Another speaker, Mr Peter van Veen, 40, from boutique strategy consulting firm De Ruijter Strategy in London, said he had difficulty getting paid US$3,000 for a course he ran in Singapore last November.
He said the course had been well received by its 25 participants, who gave it an average rating of 7.84 out of 10 on feedback forms.
'UNI Strategic has never disputed the amount in question. They just don't respond to e-mail and if we do speak to someone, they apologise and tell us they will look into it, never to be heard from again,' he said.
UNI Strategic paid Mr van Veen on Monday - about 10 months after the event.
Another US-based speaker, who declined to be named, said he had to engage a debt collection agency to obtain his fees of US$6,500. He paid the agency about a quarter of what he was owed.
UNI Strategic was also sued twice over the past year - by Amara Hotel and Air Services International - for $4,066 and $12,332 respectively. It later paid up the amounts and the cases did not go to court.
Mr Roger Tie, chief executive of UNI Strategic, said that while the company paid most of its speakers on time, it had no choice but to withhold payment from those who he claimed had not delivered what they promised.
He said the company, formed nine years ago, encounters 'one or two' speakers a month - out of about 200 a year - who deliver sub-standard programmes that receive poor ratings from participants.
Its benchmark: fewer than half of participants giving speakers an 'acceptable' rating - or 5/10.
Asked if speakers' contracts contained clauses indicating payment would be withheld if they performed poorly, Mr Tie said there were no such clauses, but added that the speakers would be offered the chance to make good - for example, by providing proper course materials later.
'In some cases, our clients complain and demand refunds. Even though the fees are non-refundable, we sometimes have to bite the bullet and give refunds as a form of goodwill,' he said.
Every year, the company writes off an average of $100,000 in bad debt, due to non-paying clients or refunds issued to clients who were not happy with the programmes, said Mr Tie. The most common complaints were that speakers' course materials were different from what was agreed on, and that course content was irrelevant or inadequate.
Mr Tie later said the company eventually 'always paid' its speakers, whether or not they met expectations.
It costs each participant between $2,500 and $3,500 to attend a programme.
At least one speaker, however, has had a good experience with UNI Strategic.
Mr Monty Sacher, 52, from Melbourne, Australia, who has conducted workshops for the company, said: 'I've not had a payment problem with them.'
Other industry players said it was not standard practice to withhold payment from invited speakers.
Ms May Koh, a training and resource manager with Avantus Training, a company that organises training programmes, said her company usually paid its speakers whether or not they met expectations.
'It's not possible to withhold the entire amount owed - after all, the speaker has already rendered a service,' she said.
Ms Stacey Yeong, UNI Strategic's conference director, said the company sources its speakers online. Before hiring one, it would typically request a copy of the prospective speaker's resume.
'If they fit the events we are organising, we will engage them,' she said. - besides complaing about UNI, and reporting them to the local authorities,
i advise trainers to share their experiences with any associations they are part of so that UNI can be blacklisted and trainers belonging to the same association will have a heads up. - http://sg.linkedin.com/pub/stacey-yeong/7/958/996
this is stacey;s linkedin.. she is the conference director in UNI Strategic, bascially, one of the 3 founders of the company. - Wow... So now instead of 'expecting' to get paid for services, you actually have to incur EXPENSES to PROVIDE services.
UNI Strategic is now telling speakers to get PAY their OWN tickets, instead of incurring these as is standard industry practise.
Seems like they're repeating a lot of past events, using repeat speakers - guess all the 'lets hold one-off events with unknown and obscure speakers and default on payments' finally has caught up with them. The flow of gullible speakers must have dried up...
But really, asking trainers to get their own tickets, and 'promising' to reimburse them at a later date? Its ridiculous whats happening at UNI Strategic now. - Here's another speaker that got burned. Kudos for coming forward.
Company information:
UNI Strategic
UNI Strategic contracted me to travel to Singapore and teach a class. I purchased airline tickets. UNI canceled the class and has ignored my requests to cover my expenses.
On May 28, 2010 I sent an email to Joey Chen a conference Producer with UNI stating that I had incurred total costs of $1208.11 for flight. Some could be canceled and some could not even with ticket insurance. Since that date I have sent several more emails without results.
David Keller
Source: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/uni-strategic-c364874.html - Suggestion from a former UNI speaker I received today:
Hi Paul,
i got in touch with the The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of Singapore.
The best way to deal with UNI's non payment issue is not to keep chasing them. There is no point in that. Please advice trainers to call +65-63250000 . That is the number to the CAD.
Please post this ontop your blog, and let other affected trainers / ex employees know.
Thank you.
The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of Singapore
investigates matters relating to commercial crime and corporate fraud. If
you suspect the company is not fulfilling its obligations with criminal
intent, you can report to the CAD at telephone number +65-63250000 or lodge
to report at 391 New Bridge Road, #06-701 Block D, Police Cantonment
Complex, Singapore 088762. - As Paul has mentioned, please make your own judgements, and not based on unverified comments.
For some contacts:
MTI_Email@mti.gov.sg signed by a Mr.
Lin Jiehui (Mr)
Corporate Communication Division
Ministry of Trade and Industry
He actually passed the complaint on to: SPF_CADWebmaster@spf.gov.sg
Commercial Affairs Department. Call the department directly +65 1800-3250000.
Also, get the full speaker's list from UNI Strategic in the last 12 months and check with them on their experience. As events producers, it is normal practise in building credibility.
UNI Strategic should list the confirmed speakers' names on their website - so it would be easier to verify. Very much like a similar Singapore based (Asia Pacific HQ) conference organiser, IQPC. I'm sure the speaker's wouldn't mind because part of the reason they present and come to the Asia Pacific region is for exposure. As for 'competitors' - since the topic (and detailed information) has already been published, I'm sure a competitor would not approach them, since it would be in breach and competition. Besides, it would make them 'copycats'.
And like everyone else has mentioned, get payment upfront. After all, each delegate (or at least 90%) pays their fees in full before attending. Speakers fees of USD $ 6000 shouldn't be too much since each delegate's fees are USD $ 3000~3500.
Good luck! - Thanks Paul. I agree with what you have mentioned too.
Regardless of whether you are a vendor or employee, it is best to form your own judgment and not solely based it on unverified comments from the web.
Ultimately if what the interviewer said is true, then it makes sense for most slanderous comments to be originated from the same person. - Recently I have received a job interview from Uni Strategy KL of title Corporate Sales Executive. After reviewing most of the negative comments from the web I have decided to withdraw myself from the interview and when they ask me what is the reason of withdrawing myself from the interview, I told them that because of so man negative comments from the web examples not paying thier own staff and also the speakers which showed that they lack of business ethics. And i have recieved an email from one
Good day, I have received your emails that you have sent to my HR Department. The negative comments are posted by our competitors because we are anorganization that has seen rapid growth in our number of events over sucha short period of time. They have decided to come up with unethical ways to try and give us a badname. I wonder how international trainers are able to find a Malaysianwebsite called lowyat forum when our Head Office is actually in Singapore.Trainers advising employees to stay away just doesn't make any sense. Andwe all know how the relevant authorities can always shut a company downbut we are not going anywhere and we are increasing our operationsinstead. These sites that you have come across always bring a smile to my facebecause it shows that UNI Strategic is getting bigger and better. And oursuccess worries our competitors. Nonetheless, I will respect your decision and reject your application withimmediate effect. Should you decide to have a change of heart, do feelfree to contact me but I can't promise you anything at this point.
Satish Reveen
Team Leader - Sales Development
UNI Strategic (M) Sdn Bhd
23rd Floor UBN Tower,
No. 10 Jalan P. Ramlee
50250 Kuala Lumpur,
DID : 03 27735508
Mobile : 0129137187
Email : satish@unistrategic.com - I appreciate Joe's comments. It's good that folks be somewhat skeptical to anything one reads, whether it's in print or on the web.
Could some of the feedback posted here not be accurate and/or be biased? That's for the reader to decide by weighing both the positives and negatives in order to form his own conclusion.
Another suggestion: If anyone is considering becoming a UNI speaker, take a look at a number of their recent events over the last 12 months. Randomly choose the event speakers you want to contact for their experiences and ask UNI to provide you with their contact information.
If you're satisfied with what you've learned, you've done your homework and are in a much better position to decide whether you want to move forward. Best of all, you're not limited to the postings on this site to make a judgement.
UNI told me last year that they did have some problems in paying their speakers due to the negative economic climate but assured me that this is no longer the case. Personally I hope this is true. I like to believe people have the best of intentions and want to do what's right for their customers and their vendors.
Just do your homework and insist on getting paid 100% upfront. That's what National Speakers Assn International Group recommends to its members before any of their members embark on an overseas client visit. - It is really unfortunate to see such corporate practices in reality today.
However from a neutral perspective, most of the postings seem offensive and with no actual facts, except for the few whom indicated their identities.
I took the trouble to look up other indicated websites suggested and it all looks like avenues of creating negativity from the same person.
I hope everyone will have their problems sorted out asap. - Michael,
I'm delighted to hear you had a good experience with UNI. And that's the whole point of this blog. To welcome positive viewpoints.
Last Dec, I erased over 50 posts, 90% of them negative towards UNI. A few were slanderous.
I want to give UNI the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to prove that it means well and will honor commitments to vendors and speakers.
Over the past 20 months, I was overwhelmed with how many speakers approached me with bad experiences. I am glad to hear this is not the case with you.
I am assuming you worked with UNI in the past and all went well. But, in your comment, you state that you "will" be delivering a program for UNI. In fact the program is tomorrow?
Since you have only received initial payment for this upcoming program, would you please post again once you've returned from Singapore that everything was met according to your expectations, travel expenses reimbursed, and you received final payment?
That would be great as I know a number of readers will be looking forward to your further comments.
Thanks and safe travels. - From Michael Leander | Jul 26th, 2010 | http://www.michaelleander.comI cannot believe what I have just read. Unistrategic have booked me to conduct a 2 day workshop in Singapore and in all my dealings with them they have been 110% correct.
Initial payments have been made on time, travel arrangements (traveling from Denmark) and accommodation have been taken care of and I am sure that the final payment will be received on time as well. - Here is contact info someone emailed me:
I believe Stacey is a program adminstrator:
Email: stacey.y@unistrategic.com
Phone: 603 4124 6325
UNI Strategic President is Roger Tie -
email: roger.t@unistrategic.com
Good luck. - Here's a comment I received from a former speaker who wishes to remain anonymous:
My experience as a speaker in finding that UNI cancelled my return trip from Dubai to Melbourne, leaving me stranded, but it seems that people don't heed warnings and need to experience the problem themselves.
When I still hadn't been paid I spent days in a row trying to find the speakers for all the courses that Unistrategic advertised for the next 2- 3 months and I found nearly all of them. I wrote to all of them,warning with examples, and only one ever responded and this person said that he changed his mind about delivering the course. I assume that all others went ahead and ended up in the same predicament as us. - Read about it here.
Speakers should wait a few weeks before the confirmed course, and then demand for payments - they will have no choice but to pay. And demand the participants emails and contact information before the course. If UNI Strategic doesn't pay, then email the participants these websites and state you will not present until payments are made. Dont, then get prepared to be burnt. - Here's an email from a former contract speaker on what he did to prompt payment from Unistrategic:
"I sought help from the Singapore Government Departments, as another speaker wrote that the Singapore Government does not tolerate Unistrategic's practices:
My initial contact was: MTI_Email@mti.gov.sg signed by a Mr.
Lin Jiehui (Mr)
Corporate Communication Division
Ministry of Trade and Industry
He actually passed the complaint on to: SPF_CADWebmaster@spf.gov.sg
Commercial Affairs Department. Call the department directly +65 1800-3250000.
When I did this and mentioned it to Unistrategic I got paid, albeit in 3 installments. All in all it took about 7 months of continuous activity." - Roger's email is not roger@uninetintelligence.com
. That was before they got sued and had to change their company's name.
Bert, after they see your complaint, they will most likely settle payments. Seeing that the agreement has already been breached, I see no fault in actually pursuing this and exposing UNI Strategic as a fraud and giving them hell. They have caused countless others the same anguish and trouble.
All other soon-to-be and already-engaged trainers or speakers reading this should do this:
1. Forward them these websites, and threaten to cancel the contract and agreement if payment is not made in advance.
2. For those already engaged, but havent been paid within the agreed period, just publish the correspondence on blogs or websites, email or call it to the Commercial Affairs Department in Singapore as suggested by Paul, or email to expose.uni@gmail.com.
However the same cannot be said for the hundreds of other speakers/trainers who have been ripped off. Its unfortunate that they feel 'ashamed' to come forward to pursue this or to reveal UNI Strategic as a scam. That's how UNI Strategic works - they delay, expect the trainers and speakers to act in a 'respectable' manner, agreeing to postpone payments; never exposing them for the fraud that they are, and then after many months, when all the speakers/trainers want to do is to forget about this, covers it up and becomes 'unreachable'. - From Paul Cherry | Jul 9th, 2010 | http://www.pbresults.comOne of my contacts got a quick response from this organization when he reached out last year:
Lin Jiehui (Mr)
Corporate Communication Division
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Commercial Affairs Department
The Commercial Affairs Department handles these types of complaints about companies based in Singapore. You can contact them at +65 1800-3250000. Their email address is SPF_CADWebmaster@spf.gov.sg
Even thought this is a general mailbox, my contact was pleasantly surprised to get a response, I believe it was a Mr. Kit, who forwarded the complaint to the Commercial Affairs Dept. Good luck. - From Paul Cherry | Jul 8th, 2010 | http://www.pbresults.comI recommend that you reach out to Roger Tie, President and CEO of Unistrategic, and share your dilemma. His email is: roger@uninetintelligence.com
PS I've been advised that this email is no longer valid. Does anyone have an updated email address for Roger Tie?
If you're not getting feedback, you should pursue contacts with the Singapore Gov't, I believe it's the Ministry of Trade. Another option, hire a collection agency based in Singapore. One individual pursued this and was able to collect his money. Or contact the Singapore Embassy based in your own country for assistance.
I am sorry to hear this news. Unistrategic had reached out to me a few months ago assuring me that they had made a concerted effort to pay their trainers on time. Thank you for sharing your info as it appears these issues have not been resolved. - From Bert Van Manen | Jul 8th, 2010 | http://www.vanmanen.bizUnfortunately I have the same experience with the Malaysia branch of UNI Strategic. I conducted training in March 2010 and have been waiting to be paid since then. All people who were involved have left the company since, so all emails bounce. Calling them is a challenge as they do not pick up the phone. When finally somebody replies, they pretend to be utterly dumn and not understanding anything. Anyone having a good idea how to pursue this legally? Kind regards, Bert van Manen
- Another one that got burnt: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/uni-strategic-pte-ltd-c347095.html#c685825
- Its unfortunate that this article got deleted. It now seems the default rate is even higher. It just baffles me that there are still speakers and trainers who agree to speak even after reading everything on UNI Strategic. You think threatening to take legal action, going to the press, telling the students and the companies, threatening producers or employees, or trying to plead for payments hasn't been tried before? You think they care? After awhile, all those that haven't been paid will just give up, since NOTHING can be done. They've been at it since the beginning (when their company was called Universal Network Intelligence (http://www.uninetintelligence.com), and they'll continue into the foreseeable future. In all honesty, some do get paid, but if you want to leave that up to chance, then be my guest.
- For those that still working with uni strategic, or thinking that they wont be affected, see this http://uni-strategic.blogspot.com/
trainers that have not been paid lodge a report with the Singapore Small Claims Tribunal. with enough media exposure, this will lead to action being taken - Hi, Paul,it is very brave for you to do so. I think if all the speakers, delegates, suppliers who were cheated by UNI to broadcast their bad experiences with UNI on the internet just like what you are doing, less people will be got burnt.
P.C. your blog was blocked on google search, obviously UNI is working hard on it. How many more people will be cheated? - We received over 60 comments about UNI. Quite a few speakers have had a bad experience in either not getting paid or not getting paid in a reasonable time. We took the comments down as we're trying to update the site and in fairness a few were offensive. Sorry to those who are disappointed that I removed them.
My only recommendation to anyone who wants to do business with UNI Strategic: Get paid upfront before you agree to do work with them. There's too many folks who have reached out to me telling me they've been burnt. Good luck.
Paul Cherry
I have been working here for a month, and I cant believe why anyone would want to join this company. In fact, when you call and say you're from UNI, most of the clients quote the Straits Times article saying that UNI practices fraudulent activities and not paying vendors. Thats just bloody shameful. Just regret my decision so far, especially all the false promises made by the company. Haiz...
ReplyDeleteWhen u work for a month did the company call u up to do the two weeks payment ?
DeleteCheck this out
After hearing all these comments, should i still go for the interview of UNI.